The Use of Instrument to Measure Student’s Understanding of the Concept of Light Refraction Using Animation Slide Show for Secondary School Students


  • Kalbin Salim Universiti Teknologi Malaysia
  • Dayang Hjh Tiawa Universiti Teknologi Malaysia



Animation, Understanding concepts, Refraction of light


The purpose of this study was to get an idea of the effect of the use of assessment instruments in the form of animation to test understanding of the concept of refraction of light. The method used is a quasi-experiment with design posttest only nonequivalent control group design. As a control group used items were in the form of paper and pencil tests. Study was conducted on a class X student of SMA Tanjungpinang in Provinsi Kepulauan Riau of academic year 2013/2014. Samples were selected two classes of seventh grade classes were randomly parallel, as a control group and experiment group. Sum of sample of 85 people with 42 people for a percentage of the control class and 43 people for classroom experiments. Data collected after the experimental class and control class equally get learning the refraction of light. Gain control class test in the form of paper and pencil test which amounts to about 20 numbers, and the experimental class to get the test in the form of the same animation and the number 20, numbers matter. The research instrument used was a questionnaire about the pretest and posttest design. Data analysis was conducted using inferential statistics using SPSS 17.
Based on the results the average score of the experimental class 74% with a standard deviation of 14 and an average score of 31% control class with a standard deviation of 12. It can be concluded that the test results of students' understanding of the concept of refraction of light that gets items were significantly different in animated form compared to students who obtain items were in the form of paper and pencil test. Understanding students' test results in sub concepts Snell's law, a concave lens and a convex lens using items were in the form of animation is higher than the students who use the items were in the form of paper and pencil tests. Students agree with the use of items were in the form of animation on comprehension tests concept of refraction of light. Students stated that the items were animated very interesting, a better understanding of the issue in question, to understand the purpose and content of questions, and a description of the problem becomes clearer. The use of items was suggested in the form of animation to be developed on other concepts in physics learning.


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Author Biographies

  • Kalbin Salim, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia


  • Dayang Hjh Tiawa, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia



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How to Cite

Salim, K., & Tiawa, D. H. (2014). The Use of Instrument to Measure Student’s Understanding of the Concept of Light Refraction Using Animation Slide Show for Secondary School Students. International Journal for Innovation Education and Research, 2(10), 169-176.