Family images in modern society
pictures from Taiwan
parenting stress, parenting experience, iconology, TaiwanAbstract
In Taiwan, world lowest birth-rate was caused by economic and social environment. Family-friendly policies and benefits from government were conducted in years. The birth-rate, however, were still not raise gradually. Aims of this study were present family images of happiness and challenge from Taiwan and gather voice from parents who lived in this context. Iconology was adopted as the methodology to conduct data collection. Research data were gathered from 50 Taiwanese families which included family pictures and semi-structure interviews. Two main findings were as follow: (1)Most pictures that parents named as ‘happiness moment’ were going out because of the precious moment of ‘being together’. (2)Most challenging moment exited when children were sick or parents’ transition in new parenthood. Policy of ‘home care day off’ in most enterprise is not good enough to support parents. Family friendly policies or systems in Taiwan are either complicated or short term only.
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