The Analysis of UPSI Teacher Clinical Experience In Comparative Perspective and Suggestion for New Teacher Clinical Experience Structure
Comparative analysis, teacher clinical experience, pre-service teachers, teacher educationAbstract
This study was conducted to compare and discuss the teacher clinical experience structure offered by the Sultan Idris Education University (UPSI) and the chosen universities from Singapore, Hong Kong, Canada, United States of America, United Kingdom, and Australia. This comparative analysis is carried out using a qualitative approach which will focus on the purposes, duration, timing and phases or components of the teacher clinical experience offered by the UPSI and the chosen universities. This analysis has identified that the time allocation for the teacher clinical experience of the UPSI was too short; the timing for pre-service teachers to undergo teacher clinical experience was inappropriate, and the phases or components of teacher clinical experience adopted was insufficient. This paper will suggest a new teacher clinical experience structure and provide implications that can be learnt by the UPSI from other universities abroad to enhance its existing teacher clinical experience.
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Copyright (c) 2014 Wong Yeou Min, Mohd Hassan Abdullah, Rosnidar Mansor, Syakirah Samsudin

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