Social, Contextual and Psychological Correlates of Alcohol and Illegal Drug Use by College and Non College Attending Youth


  • Gail E Thomas Soka University of America, USA
  • Stephanie Kimura University of London, UK



Adolescent and young adult alcohol and illegal drug use and abuse in the U.S. are public health and social problems of epidemic proportions. This study attempts to identify social, contextual and psychological correlates of levels of alcohol and illegal drug use for a local sample of college and non-college youth. Results from regression analyses indicated a significant influence of friends on level of alcohol and marijuana use and on illegal use of prescription and other drugs. Frequency of marijuana use was significantly associated with being male and frequently feeling depressed. In addition, attending a four-year college was positive and significantly related to higher levels of alcohol consumption. Implications for college and university and social policymakers and for future research are discussed.


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Author Biographies

  • Gail E Thomas, Soka University of America, USA

    Professor of Sociology

  • Stephanie Kimura, University of London, UK

    Institute of Education


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How to Cite

Thomas, G. E., & Kimura, S. (2014). Social, Contextual and Psychological Correlates of Alcohol and Illegal Drug Use by College and Non College Attending Youth. International Journal for Innovation Education and Research, 2(11), 29-42.