Opportunities and Threats of Job Market for Graduates from The Administration Course at UNESPAR/Paranaguá/Brazil
Administration, Job Market, Opportunities, ThreatsAbstract
The administrator needs to be prepared to face the numerous challenges that the profession imposes. Practicing techniques and using tools, developing management strategies, knowing how to interact with individuals in the most diverse environments and hierarchical levels and being in constant improvement are some basic aspects of the profession exercise. To achieve those basic aspects, it is fundamental to have a good academic background, which also includes participating in research and extension projects that provide an approach to professional practice. If on one hand, regarding a public university in Brazil, the first challenges for academics are to conquer their vacancies and to graduate, on the other hand, entering job market could be an even greater challenge. This study has analyzed, through a field research, job market niche for graduates from a Brazilian public university, from 2016 to 2019, evaluating some professionals’ trajectories while entering job market, as well as opportunities and difficulties faced by them. Among the various aspects verified, it is worth mentioning the low offer of job vacancies and the low salary offered.
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Copyright (c) 2020 Cleverson Molinari Mello, Wilian Rodrigo Magno, Manoel Júnior Muszalaki, Messias Gonçalves Júnior, Yan Lukas Emmanuel Camargo

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Accepted 2020-09-30
Published 2020-11-01