Women in Vulnerability: Perceptions About Family and Reproductive Planning Policy
Family planning, Women's health, Social vulnerability, PerceptionAbstract
Introduction: The family and reproductive planning program is offered in the instances of the Unified Health System (SUS), and makes free contraceptive methods and devices available to the entire population, seeking to make people aware of the advantages and disadvantages of each method. Despite citizens' rights, some communities live in a situation of vulnerability and have greater difficulty in accessing public services, as in that program. Objective: To analyze the knowledge and adherence of women to the family and reproductive planning program and contraceptive methods, in addition to carrying out health education activities on the subject, focusing on the copper IUD. Methodology: This is an action research, with random sampling and a quantitative-descriptive approach for data analysis and description. The target population is made up of women of childbearing age, or who have already started sex. The collection was carried out in the field by means of a questionnaire prepared by the researchers based on a literature review. Results: 195 (98%) women reported not knowing the reproductive planning program and, of these, 116 (59.5%) had at least one unwanted pregnancy; The contraceptive method of most frequent choice among women is ligation, of the 200 women 60 (30.5%) opted for it; and 30% of the population has had at least one abortion in their lifetime. Conclusion: There was little knowledge and low adherence to reproductive planning and contraceptive methods in this population, possibly due to the segregation of low-income, mixed-race and black women, with low education, who are marginalized, suggesting difficulty in accessing health services, lack knowledge and family structure, in addition to demonstrating gaps in the health system.
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Accepted 2020-10-23
Published 2020-11-01