University Extension Project as a Health Promotion Instrument during the Covid-19 Pandemic


  • Patrícia Costa dos Santos da Silva University of Uberlandia
  • Lívia Ferreira Oliveira University of Uberlandia
  • Mariana Ramos University of Uberlandia
  • Michele Aparecida Silva Maciel University of Uberlandia
  • Luana Araújo Macedo Scalia Federal University of Uberlândia
  • Efigênia Aparecida Maciel de Freitas University of Uberlandia
  • Andréa Mara Bernardes da Silva University of Uberlandia
  • Suely Amorim de Araújo University of Uberlandia



Health Promotion, Aromatherapy, Covid-19


The COVID-19 pandemic has transformed the reality, made social isolation urgent aiming at reducing the contagion of the disease and, as a consequence, had to interrupt the classes and actions of extension projects in person. In this aspect, the Internet has become a possibility of interaction between teachers, nursing students and the community in an extension project university entitled: "Aromatherapy as a tool for coping in times of pandemic. Thus, the present study is a report of the authors' experience in the project of  aromatherapy as an activity for health promotion in times of pandemic by COVID-19. A descriptive qualitative report was carried out on the experiences of the authors with the use of a virtual platform as an alternative informative content on the subject, during this period. The project was carried out in five weeks, with three synchronous meetings, the programmatic content was guided by scientific evidence, with guidelines of great importance to the public assisted with the aim of promoting health and be a tool for coping in times of pandemic. Thus, access to health promotion and exchange of knowledge of the target audience of the extension project was expanded.


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Author Biographies

  • Patrícia Costa dos Santos da Silva, University of Uberlandia

    College professor, Graduate Nursing Course - Medical school

  • Lívia Ferreira Oliveira, University of Uberlandia

    College professor, Graduate Nursing Course - Medical school

  • Mariana Ramos, University of Uberlandia

    Graduate student, Graduate Nursing Course - Medical school

  • Michele Aparecida Silva Maciel, University of Uberlandia

    Graduate student, Graduate Nursing Course - Medical school

  • Luana Araújo Macedo Scalia, Federal University of Uberlândia

    College professor, Graduate Nursing Course - Medical school

  • Efigênia Aparecida Maciel de Freitas, University of Uberlandia

    College professor, Graduate Nursing Course - Medical school

  • Andréa Mara Bernardes da Silva, University of Uberlandia

    College professor, Graduate Nursing Course - Medical school

  • Suely Amorim de Araújo, University of Uberlandia

    College professor, Graduate Nursing Course - Medical school


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How to Cite

Silva, P. C. dos S. da ., Oliveira, L. F. ., Ramos, M. ., Maciel, M. A. S. ., Scalia, L. A. M., Freitas, E. A. M. de ., Silva, A. M. B. da, & Araújo, S. A. de . (2021). University Extension Project as a Health Promotion Instrument during the Covid-19 Pandemic. International Journal for Innovation Education and Research, 9(7), 295-304.
Received 2021-06-16
Accepted 2021-06-29
Published 2021-07-01

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