Digital Games and the Exercise of Attention
Interventions in Small Groups in School
learning, computer games, attention, elementary school, cognitionAbstract
Digital games can be used to improve cognitive skills in schools, since they have rules, goals, challenges and propose actions that require the player’s attention, the use of problem-solving capacity, involving the planning of actions, keeping the goals and objectives in mind. Therefore, this article’s objective is to investigate indicators on the effects of the use of digital cognitive games in interventions carried out in small groups in the school context on the attention capacity. Therefore, a quasi-experimental study was conducted with 30 subjects, aged 7 to 11, which were divided into two groups, participant and control. Both were evaluated before and after the intervention through the application of a concentrated attention test. The results obtained indicated that the participant group had a significantly superior performance in relation to the quality of the attention because of less mistakes in the second application than the control group. The differences found in test variables that indicate the speed of discrimination of stimuli and attention more broadly were not significant.
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Accepted 2020-11-04
Published 2021-08-01