Digital games, cognitive skills, and motivation:
children’s perception in the school context
learning, school, executive functionAbstract
In addition to entertainment, games have been recognized as enhancers of cognition and associated with increased motivation in the school learning context. The possibility of immersion and active player participation is considered a distinguished aspects of game design. Therefore, this study proposed the application of Brain School’s digital games using tablets during a school year, with weekly interventions of 50 minutes in a class of the second year of elementary school. Twenty-five students were analyzed with an average of eight years old. At the end of the interventions, the evaluation was carried out through individual interviews. The results revealed that most of children felt motivated to participate in the games activities. However, there was no association between level of motivation and cognitive skills investigated (attention and problem solving), nor between preferred games and cognitive skills trained. However, qualitative data showed that children liked using games and acknowledged that the activity contributed with the exercise of their abilities. In general, this research contributed to reinforcing the importance of the diversification of methodological strategies which include the use of digital games in education.
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Copyright (c) 2020 Daniela Ramos, Bruna Santana Anastácio, Gleice Assunção da Silva, Clarissa Venturieri, Naomi Stange, Maria Eduarda de Oliveira Martins

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Accepted 2020-05-02
Published 2020-05-01