Some guidelines for a smart and suitable design of applications for the social inclusion of functional illiterates
functional illiteracy, app interfaces, smart design, social inclusion, educational appsAbstract
This article investigates the design of application interfaces and the development of activities based on the principles of active methodologies that focus on the social inclusion of a population with low linguistic proficiency in the Portuguese language spoken in Brazil. The focus is on the inclusive, smart and suitable design of activities for learning and improving the writing and reading levels of these individuals, who are classified as functional illiterates, as defined by the National Indicator of Functional Literacy (INAF). They feel the direct impact of access to new technologies mainly because they cannot read written documents and interpret visual language. The people on whom this study focuses are keen to improve their native language skills but should also be guided and helped by an inclusive design in technological applications. They use WhatsApp to produce communications and exchange content, whether through audio messages or pictures, but they avoid writing or reading text. In this paper, we propose an inclusive smart design for an application to expand the possibilities of linguistic communication.
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Copyright (c) 2020 Marilene Santana dos Santos Garcia, Joao Mattar

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Accepted 2020-09-21
Published 2020-11-01