Digital Testing During the Pandemic Crisis
University Students’ Opinions on Computer-based Tests
digital testing, English as a foreign language, online tests, pandemic crisis, university studentsAbstract
In 2020, the pandemic crisis caused by covid-19 led to some changes in global education. Consequently, primary and secondary schools as well as universities introduced distance learning in many countries all over the world. This situation mostly required, among other things, a new way of testing learners’ knowledge and skills. The objectives of this paper are to reveal university students’ opinions on computer-based tests in comparison with paper-and-pencil tests and to map their requirements concerning digital testing of English as a foreign language. The research sample includes 284 students of the Faculty of Business and Management, Brno University of Technology, Czech Republic. These students experienced online testing at home during the summer semester of 2019/20 as well as paper tests at school in the previous winter semester of the same academic year. Thereafter, they were asked to complete an anonymous online questionnaire. The results have shown that the learners were mostly satisfied with the introduction of online testing at home. However, if the electronic tests took place at school, not all of them would prefer this way of testing. Regarding tasks in digital tests, the learners gave priority to assignments based on multiple choice. Moreover, the respondents expressed their views on electronic devices and testing speaking skills on online platforms.
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Accepted 2020-12-04
Published 2021-01-01