Advocacy Communication and The Child Trafficking Situation in Kenya
The Case of Mathare Constituency Primary Schools
child trafficking, advocacy communication, facilitators, counteringAbstract
Child trafficking is one of the leading crimes in Kenya. The purpose of this study therefore was to look at the efficacy of advocacy communication when it comes to addressing the complications of child trafficking in society. The study focus was Mathare constituency in Nairobi County. This is because there are many child trafficking cases from Mathare constituency that have been reported over the years causing a number of humanitarian organizations, who work with schools and community groups, to step in and address the issue. A purposive sample of 240 teacher respondents and 16 facilitators was selected as per Yamane’s formula while convergent parallel mixed methods design was used for data collection and analysis. The study established that videos and pictorials were the most popular advocacy methods used, with a 100 percent respondent rate while 98 percent observed that through advocacy, humanitarian organizations were making a difference in countering child trafficking. The study established also that all (100%) of the facilitators agreed that the stakeholders directly involved with children did contribute to the fight against child trafficking. The study concluded that integrated communication was adopted by facilitators and that the advocacy communication methods used were effective. The study recommends involvement of key stakeholders’ right from the planning stage for effectiveness. A recommendation of the study is that further investigations be done from the viewpoints of the children, parents and the local administration.
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Accepted 2021-01-05
Published 2021-02-01