The Importance of the school / health professional relationship in the development of user children at the infanto-juvenile psychosocial care center of campo Grande, MS - Brazil
Children, Mental health, Teaching and learning, CAPSijAbstract
Children with severe mental disorders or dependent on psychoactive substances tend to suffer several challenges, including their learning. This reality is present in the lives of patients at the Children's Psychosocial Care Center in the city of Campo Grande-MS, where they are daily accompanied by a team of qualified professionals in order to help in their recovery. Among them, there is the role of the teacher who will provide methodologies so that the student does not suffer consequences in his development, at the same time that he can provide his recovery. Thus, the objective of the undergraduate thesis is to verify how the Centro de Atenção Psicossocial Infantojuvenil (CAPSij) assists child users together with the role of the regular school for the child's biopsychosocial development, and of how this partnership between school and health professionals takes place with the intermediation of the patients' families. This study will use a quantitative-qualitative and exploratory approach with children in different age groups and psychosocial situations, together with the professionals involved in the Education and Health agencies in the municipality of Campo Grande, Mato Grosso do Sul. The field research took place at the time of the pandemic due to Covid-19, therefore, all data collection was in medical records of CAPSij, with health professionals who care for children in the Service Centers and with the teachers of these children from the Regular School through online interviews, respecting the social isolation and the guidelines of the World Health Organization (WHO), with the objective of collecting the data that respond to the objective of this research and to verify how the relation between the education and health agencies occurs, with its teaching and learning process that, due to psychosocial diseases, end up suffering with difficulties in their learnings.
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Copyright (c) 2021 Milene Bartolomei silva, Camila Bartolomei Silva Polegato, Sabrina Terra Pereira

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Accepted 2021-02-12
Published 2021-03-01