Current Overview of Undergraduate Nursing Courses in the Northeast
Nursing education, Higher education institution, Educational assessmentAbstract
Introduction: Nursing education has been undergoing transformations in due to the need to adapt to the market demands. Thus, within the academic context, it is necessary to observe the quality of training linked to the demands of the contemporary world. To assess this quality, the National Institute of Studies and Research uses instruments to outline the quality panorama of the courses through the evaluation of students, through the result of the National Student Performance Exam, in addition to using the educational indexes: administrative category, institutional nature, number of vacancies offered and course concept. Objective: To outline the current panorama of undergraduate nursing courses in the Northeast region, establishing a relation with the quality of teaching based on the evaluation of educational indices. Methodology: Document research, of a descriptive character and qualitative approach, using secondary data from the National Institute of Educational Studies and Research Anísio Teixeira of the Ministry of Education, available in April 2020. The sample consists of 336 institutions that offer 406 undergraduate courses in nursing in the Northeast. The data were compiled in an Excel®️ spreadsheet and statistically analyzed using the SPSS 12.0 program. Results: It was observed that the face-to-face modality stands out with 89% coverage in the region, but distance learning includes the largest number of places. Public education institutions stand out with the higher concepts of the course. The NSPE evaluation concept 2 was the one that most appeared in the evaluated courses. The state of Bahia has the largest amount of courses, with 24.5%, and Sergipe was the lowest index (5.4%), but it has an average of vacancies higher than the average in the region. Final considerations: The analysis of this study shows a deficit in the quality of undergraduate nursing courses in the Northeast. Further studies in the area of Nursing Education are needed to analyze the monitoring of its quality.
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Copyright (c) 2021 Millena Katrine Andrade Santos, Rebeca Lira de Oliveira Prado Vieira, Lavynia Carmo Brito, Mylena Andrade Oliveira, Suellen Stefhane Santos Britto, Pedro Venicius Santos Lima, Denise Freitas Resende, Maria Pureza Ramos de Santa Rosa, Manuela de Carvalho Vieira Martins, Rodrigo Gallotti Lima, Fernanda Costa Martins Gallotti

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Accepted 2021-03-01
Published 2021-03-01