Biosafety and action in front of COVID-19

What do we know?


  • Anna Clara Cachoni University of the State of Paraná
  • Micael Borges Cadari University of the State of Paraná
  • Augusto Alberto Foggiato University of the State of Paraná
  • Juliana Zorzi Coléte University of the State of Paraná
  • João Lopes Toledo Neto University of the State of Paraná
  • Fabrício José Jassi Universidade de São Paulo
  • Douglas Fernandes da Silva Universidade Paulista



Biosafety, SARS-CoV-2, Cross Infection, Health Professionals, COVID-19, Personal Protective Equipment (PPE).


The COVID-19 disease that affected the entire world in 2020 is caused by a virus (SARS-CoV-2) with a high rate of pathogenicity and transmission that caused several deaths in its trajectory. To combat this disease several personal hygiene measures and the use of personal protective equipment were necessary. In view of this, the study aims to clarify some doubts regarding the vaccine and its effectiveness, individual protection and the performance of health professionals in the face of this situation.


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Author Biographies

  • Anna Clara Cachoni, University of the State of Paraná

    Graduate student in dentistry

  • Micael Borges Cadari, University of the State of Paraná

    Graduate student in dentistry

  • Augusto Alberto Foggiato, University of the State of Paraná

    Dentist, Specialist in Radiology, Orthodontics and Facial Orthopedics

  • Juliana Zorzi Coléte, University of the State of Paraná

    Dentist, DDS, MSc, PhD, Post-doc on Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery and Implantology

    Health Sciences Center - Dentistry

  • João Lopes Toledo Neto, University of the State of Paraná

    Dentist and PhD of oral-biology by the Faculty of Dentistry of Piracicaba Unicamp

    Health Sciences Center -Dentistry

  • Fabrício José Jassi, Universidade de São Paulo

    Physiotherapist and PhD rehabilitation and functional performance - School of Physical Education and Sport of Ribeirão Preto

  • Douglas Fernandes da Silva, Universidade Paulista

    Biologist, biotechnological engineer and PhD in applied microbiology


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How to Cite

Cachoni, A. C., Cadari, M. B., Foggiato, A. A., Coléte, J. Z., Neto, J. L. T., Jassi, F. J., & Silva, D. F. da. (2021). Biosafety and action in front of COVID-19: What do we know?. International Journal for Innovation Education and Research, 9(4), 129-141.
Received 2021-03-02
Accepted 2021-03-22
Published 2021-04-01

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