Effect of Students’ Attendance on their Academic Performance in Some Engineering Courses at the United Arab Emirates


  • Abdel Hamid Ismail Mourad United Arab Emirates University
  • Mohamed YE Selim United Arab Emirates University
  • Shafaa Al–Maqdi United Arab Emirates University
  • Ghadi Abueleyan United Arab Emirates University
  • Aya Mansour United Arab Emirates University
  • Moudi Alamer United Arab Emirates University
  • Maryam Alantali United Arab Emirates University




engineering students, United Arab Emirates University, student’s Absences, grades, academic performance


The correlation between students’ attendance and their final grades was studied by many researchers in many universities across the world in a number of specializations.  The aim of this study is to investigate the effect of absence on engineering students’ performance in general engineering courses and more specifically in fundamental courses that are provided solely by the Mechanical Engineering Department since there had been a substantial lack of studies involving them. In order to do so, a sample size of over 8000 students from the United Arab Emirates University UAEU was collaborated for this study with a main objective to conclude whether this relationship is significant or not. The data was generally collected over a period of five years, from 2013 to 2018. From the research conducted, the results showed that, students who do not attend class tend to perform worse on exams in engineering. Furthermore, the correlation between the student’s class attendance and student’s final grade is noteworthy and there is a strong correlation between them. Equally important, such low students’ academic performance reflects negatively to the course learning outcomes. 


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Author Biographies

  • Abdel Hamid Ismail Mourad, United Arab Emirates University

    Professor, Mechanical Engineering Department,

    College of Engineering

  • Mohamed YE Selim, United Arab Emirates University

    Professor, Mechanical Engineering Department,

    College of Engineering

  • Shafaa Al–Maqdi, United Arab Emirates University

    Mechanical Engineering Department

  • Ghadi Abueleyan, United Arab Emirates University

    Mechanical Engineering Department

  • Aya Mansour, United Arab Emirates University

    Mechanical Engineering Department

  • Moudi Alamer, United Arab Emirates University

    Mechanical Engineering Department

  • Maryam Alantali, United Arab Emirates University

    Mechanical Engineering Department


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How to Cite

Mourad, A. H. I., Selim, . M. Y., Al–Maqdi, S., Abueleyan, G., Mansour, A., Alamer, M., & Alantali, M. (2021). Effect of Students’ Attendance on their Academic Performance in Some Engineering Courses at the United Arab Emirates . International Journal for Innovation Education and Research, 9(4), 249-262. https://doi.org/10.31686/ijier.vol9.iss4.3050
Received 2021-03-11
Accepted 2021-03-22
Published 2021-04-01