Teachers’ Belief and Practices in Teacher-Centered Empowerment Reform in Taiwan


  • Yu Shu Kao National Chi Nan University, Taiwan




teacher empowerment, teacher-centered reform, teachers’ beliefs, Taiwan, teachers’ thinking


Over the past 2 decades, Taiwan has introduced a series of decentralization reforms in school administration and curriculum. Teachers, who are at the center of these reforms, are expected to enrich their knowledge and cultivate strong beliefs regarding these reforms; the teachers’ beliefs and knowledge are not only affected by their personal profile but also by contextual factors of structure and culture at all levels. I conducted this study in order to explore these factors and determine how they affect teachers’ beliefs and practices. Qualitative methods guided this study in which a case-study approach was used. The findings of this study highlight a variety of factors that were identified by teachers. Contextual factors of structure and culture identified by the teachers include the context of the classroom, school administration and top-down authority, teachers’ culture, and government policy. The personal factors include personality, educational background and teacher preparation, demographic profiles, and teachers’ abilities. For the purpose of developing a comprehensive and culturally sensitive model of belief development, implications for practice and future research are provided.


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Author Biography

  • Yu Shu Kao, National Chi Nan University, Taiwan

    Department of Educational Policy and Administration


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How to Cite

Kao, Y. S. (2015). Teachers’ Belief and Practices in Teacher-Centered Empowerment Reform in Taiwan. International Journal for Innovation Education and Research, 3(2), 1-16. https://doi.org/10.31686/ijier.vol3.iss2.308