The Relationship Between Perceived Quality Dimensions and Growth in Distance Education
The Case of External Degree Programme of the University of Nairobi, Kenya
Shrinking resources from the exchequer, the demand for a more cost-effective education and competition among Kenyan Public Universities has motivated academic administrators in these universities to launch distance education programmes. However, one major concern has been quality. This study sought to determine the relationship between perceived tangibles dimension of a degree programme and its growth. Further, the study intended to establish the relationship between perceived responsiveness dimension and growth of the programmes. A questionnaire was employed to collect data from students, Distance Education administrators and lecturers. The findings showed that there was no significant relationship between the two quality dimensions and the growth of Distance Education Programme. It was observed that growth occurred in spite of perceived quality dimension deficiencies due to career driven demand for higher education. However, quality variables that were considered as key consisted of adequacy and responsibility of teaching and support staff, clarity of course objectives, and flexibility of programmes. The study recommends that Universities engage sufficient and responsible support staff and lecturers to provide learner support services. Similarly, course objectives should be clear, while programmes should be as flexible as possible for learners.
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