Utilization of Business Intelligence Tools among Business Intelligence Users
The study was an investigation of the impact of perceived usefulness and perceived ease of use of business intelligence (BI) tools among users. The relationship between and among the dependent variable (utilization of BI tools) and the independent variables (perceived usefulness and perceived ease of use) was investigated through the lenses of technology acceptance model (TAM). Other objectives for the current research were to build a model to predict users’ utilization of the independent variables, and to generalize the results of the research to the IT population. Data for the current research was collected utilizing a survey questionnaire, designed by the researcher, with a 5-point Likert scale to interpret responses to the survey questions. The analysis consisted of descriptive statistics and multiple regressions models. A prediction model was structured using generalized linear models. The result of the study was the development of a prediction model for BI tools utilization through the lenses of a technology acceptance model (TAM). The model highlighted the importance of up-to-date information provided by current BI tools, ability of BI tools to provide users with more analytical tools to accomplish their jobs, the degree to which BI tools allow users to present convincing arguments, the ability of BI tools to provide users with more possible solutions, the ability of BI tools to reduce the time required to accomplish jobs, and the ability of BI tools to help users make relevant business predictions.
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Accepted 2021-05-22
Published 2021-06-01