Identification of Occupation Clustering in Kandy City, Sri Lanka

An Investigation of Residential Location Pattern by Occupational Status.


  • RJM Uduporuwa Sabaragamuwa University, Sri Lanka
  • Lasantha Manawadu University of Colombo, Sri Lanka



Occupation, Location Quotient, Spatial distribution, Kandy city


Existence of social groups with different socio-economic status is a common character in a city and makes cities to form residentially varied areas within the city which is generally termed as ‘residential differentiation’. Since residential differentiation sometimes becomes a critical issue to be addressed it should be understood as much as possible before planning and organizing the urban space in optimal manner. This study attempts to investigate spatial expression of occupational structure of Kandy city, Sri Lanka. Attention is given for identifying, measuring and mapping the existing location pattern of occupational groups over the urban space of Kandy city. Occupation data in Kandy city collected from national census of population and housing in 2001 were used and Location Quotient technique (LQ) was employed to analyze the data.
Results evidently revealed that ‘occupation’ is influential to form a distinct location pattern in the city space. Basic pattern of location of occupation groups identifiable is that higher ranking occupation groups are concentrated in peripheral areas while lower ranking occupation groups are located in city canter areas or proximity areas to the city Center. This has made some particular areas to be specialized for some occupation groups. Working class or labourer category which has the highest proportion is mostly limited to city center and adjoining areas where commercial and other services are dominated. These areas are highly commercial and mix residential areas in the city and are very valuable lands that can be used for the better economic use establishing new projects. This is one of critical issues to be addressed in future development of the city.


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Author Biographies

  • RJM Uduporuwa, Sabaragamuwa University, Sri Lanka

    Department of Social Sciences

  • Lasantha Manawadu, University of Colombo, Sri Lanka

    Department of Geography


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How to Cite

Uduporuwa, R., & Manawadu, L. (2015). Identification of Occupation Clustering in Kandy City, Sri Lanka: An Investigation of Residential Location Pattern by Occupational Status. International Journal for Innovation Education and Research, 3(3), 27-41.