The Effect of Communication, Resources, Disposition And Structure of Bureaucracy on Medical Participation of Men's Operations in City of Bandar Lampung (Study of George Edward III Policy Implementation Model)
Policy Implementation, Family Planning Program, KB Male Medical OperationAbstract
The Population and Family Planning Control Office of Bandar Lampung City has implemented a Family Planning Program to reduce birth rates so that population growth in Bandar Lampung is controlled. Since 2009, men and women have had the same rights and position in achieving the success of the Family Planning Program in Bandar Lampung City. But the fact the Family Planning Program in Bandar Lampung City still seems biased to gender, this is evidenced by the achievement of family planning acceptors who are still being majority among women compared to men. KB Male Medical Surgery (MOP) is the male birth control that attains the lowest acceptor and has decreased in five years in the city of Bandar Lampung. Based on the problems obtained in the field, the study wanted to see the influence of communication variables, resources, disposition, and bureaucratic structure on KB MOP participation in Bandar Lampung City. The independent variable used in this study is the implementation model variable proposed by George Edward III. The method used in this study a descriptive and associative method with a quantitative approach.
The results showed that the communication variables obtained the magnitude of influence of 4.4% and the disposition variable obtained the magnitude of influence of 4.3%, these two variables did not have a significant effect on KB MOP participation in Bandar Lampung City. While the resource variable obtained the magnitude of influence of 21.1% and the bureaucratic structure variable obtained the magnitude of influence of 25.6%, these two variables had a significant influence on KB MOP participation in Bandar Lampung City. But simultaneously the communication, resource, disposition and bureaucratic structure variables have a significant influence on KB MOP participation in Bandar Lampung City and the magnitude of the effect obtained is 25.1%.
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Accepted 2021-06-29
Published 2021-07-01