Analysis of Financial Literacy and Its Effect on the Sustainability of MSME in Covid-19 Pandemic Era (Case Study on MSME in Pesawaran District)


  • Rahma Diani Sormin Institut Teknologi dan Bisnis Diniyyah Lampung
  • Yannisa Rahmawati Institut Teknologi dan Bisnis Diniyyah Lampung



Financial Literacy, MSMEs, Covid-19 Pandemic, Pesawaran District


MSME has an important role in economic development and growth as well as reducing unemployment in Indonesia, therefore it is very important to save MSME from the impact of the current COVID-19 pandemic. According to the Head of the MSME and Cooperatives Office of Pesawaran District, he stated that the main problem for business principals is a decline of income, means that more than fifty percent and the stagnation of business activities carried out. The purpose of this study is to produce the ability of business principals Pesawaran District to manage finances in order to maintain their business during the current covid-19 pandemic. This study uses the theory of financial literacy which is based on five aspects, namely basic personal finance, savings and loans, insurance, investment and risk management. The survey results in this study found that MSME business principals in Pesawaran District had carried out well the established aspects of financial literacy, so the business principals in Pesawaran District were able to survive the COVID-19 pandemic and could be an example for other business principals.


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Author Biographies

  • Rahma Diani Sormin, Institut Teknologi dan Bisnis Diniyyah Lampung

    Entrepreneurship Study Program

  • Yannisa Rahmawati, Institut Teknologi dan Bisnis Diniyyah Lampung

    Entrepreneurship Study Program


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How to Cite

Sormin, R. D., & Yannisa Rahmawati. (2023). Analysis of Financial Literacy and Its Effect on the Sustainability of MSME in Covid-19 Pandemic Era (Case Study on MSME in Pesawaran District). International Journal for Innovation Education and Research, 11(1), 177-190.
Received 2022-12-01
Accepted 2022-12-16
Published 2023-01-01