A didactic teaching methodology to assist in the analysis of the economic impact on fuel prices commercialized in the Carajás region.
Economic impact, third digit after the comma, fuel prices, Scientific literacy in Financial Mathematics teachingAbstract
This research aims to analyze the economic impacts caused by the addition of the third digit after the comma in the prices of fuels commercialized in the Carajás region (Parauapebas, Canaã dos Carajás, Curionópolis e Serra dos Carajás) located in the southeast of Pará State, Brazil, and the professional categories chosen were UBER application drivers, who use gasoline with additives in their vehicles, sales representatives who use motorcycles and regular gasoline for their work and lastly, intercity van cooperative drivers who use regular diesel fuel. The results of the investigation highlighted that there was a total loss of 2,10 BRL, for the three categories of professionals for every 100 liters of fuel consumed, representing an economic impact of approximately 43% for S-10 diesel, 38% for regular gasoline and 19% for gasoline with additives. Furthermore, in the professional categories analyzed, it was observed that the greatest economic impact occurred for the group of inter-municipal van drivers, with an annual cost of 191,52 BRL. Subsequently, App drivers obtained 14,72 BRL of economic implication per year, and finally, with less annual impact, sales representatives with a cost of 2,72 BRL.
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Copyright (c) 2021 Daniel dos Anjos Nazaré Vilhena Junior, Heylon de Oliveira Sales, Vanessa Saraiva Pinto, Katiane Pereira da Silva, Fábio Israel Martins Carvalho, Priscilla Andrade Silva, Antonio Thiago Madeira Beirão

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Accepted 2021-07-13
Published 2021-08-01