A didactic proposal for the construction of the ellipse





Ellipse, Mathematics teaching, Gardener's method, Geogebra


The purpose of the present is to propose the construction of the ellipse in a didactic way in which the work deals with the exposure of a specific methodology for the 3rd year of high school when dealing with ellipse content. Followed by the results of the realization of a workshop aimed at the construction of the ellipse in a didactic way, constructed with low cost material, thereby proposing the teaching of mathematics in a more pleasant and effective way, where the ellipse equations were defined with the theoretical concept and afterwards, the gardener's method was used to construct this curve in a terrain, using ropes and civil construction fasteners, so that the student could concretize and apply this content in practice. After that, it was used for construction in the classroom using thread threads or thin strings to make the tracing and to finish it used the Geogebra software to finish the work showing the perfection of the curve explained in the classroom. The didactic process carried out showed a real interest of the students mainly with the use of the field practice. In conclusion, teaching mathematics in a didactic and interactive way provides a favorable environment for learning, stimulating students with a critical sense and an investigative spirit.


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How to Cite

DIAS, G. N., FERREIRA, R. D. C., Araújo, M. B. S. de, Araújo, G. M. de, Souza Júnior, J. C. B. de, Lobato, F. da S., Vogado, G. E. R., Pamplona, V. M. S., Rodrigues, A. E., Reis, C. P. dos, Silva Junior, W. L. P. da, Barbosa, E. da S., Beirão, A. T. M., & Silva, K. P. da. (2021). A didactic proposal for the construction of the ellipse. International Journal for Innovation Education and Research, 9(6), 328-339. https://doi.org/10.31686/ijier.vol9.iss6.3195
Received 2021-05-18
Accepted 2021-05-28
Published 2021-06-01

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