Violence, trafficking and drug use in public schools in Belém -Pará - Brazil
School Violence, Psychological Disorders, Habitus, Perverse TerritorializationAbstract
The research shows how violence, trafficking and drug use has been recurrent within schools, causing directions that are difficult to contour by Brazilian government officials. The research had a qualitative and quantitative character. The method used was interviews with teachers and the use of questionnaires with a group of one hundred and seventy students and sixteen teachers. Among all the problems, misery; the use of drugs; the arrival of adolescence; the insertion of the researched group in risk areas belonging to Perverse Territorialization; the lack of definition of a full and adequate curriculum for our social problems; the lack of adequate punishment; the influence of family habitus has contributed to the spread of violence, stimulating parallel activities with the predominance of drug trafficking and organized crime where it presents a growing approximation with the local community in need of all types of services and improvements not provided by the State, causing the increase in all crime rates, the increase in drug trafficking as well as the increase in cases of psychological disorders. Among these reasons, violence in the school environment has increased. The actions necessary to reduce school violence are pointed out in this article, knowing that for its consolidation, the support of the school community and the creation of internal codes of conduct essential to living in the school environment are necessary.
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Copyright (c) 2021 Gustavo Nogueira Dias, Vanessa Mayara Souza Pamplona, Eldilene da Silva Barbosa, Fabricio da Silva Lobato, Alessandra Epifanio Rodrigues, Herson Oliveira da Rocha, Cássio Pinho dos Reis, José Carlos Barros de Souza Júnior, Ana Paula Ignácio Pontes Leal, Robson José Carrera Ramos

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Accepted 2021-04-29
Published 2021-05-01