Regulation of Flipped Learning Activities in Programming
A Systematic Review
regulation, flipped learning, systematic review, programmingAbstract
Flipped Learning can contribute significantly to learning, however there is an under-utilization of conceptual structures of design in the flipped classroom, with regard to the incorporation of pedagogical methods to promote the activities to be performed by students. The pedagogical design of flipped classrooms needs to provide a model that details how to facilitate activities before, during and after classes. It is important to analyze the moment before the classroom, which involves self-regulation, during the classroom which involves processes related to interaction and collaboration and after the classroom, related to reflective processes. Developing and conducting a systematic review can contribute to an analysis of the current state of research on teacher facilitation in relation to student regulation in flipped learning related to teaching programming. The systematic review was carried out to identify all the research available on self-regulation and co-regulation by students during flipped learning in programming courses. The objective of this research is to identify and analyze relevant research related to the regulation and co-regulation of flipped learning activities in the teaching of programming, and to understand how the self-regulation and co-regulation of students has been approached to engage in activities before the classroom. class, collaboration and problem solving during classes and reflections after class. After a analysis of the articles listed by the systematic review, important gaps in the literature can be observed, such as the lack of approach to the three phases of flipped learning, regulation and co-regulation and all dimensions of regulation. Nor is there a theoretical framework based on processes and strategies of self and co-regulation for teaching computer programming. Thus, the present systematic review has significant relevance and highlights the need for studies that involve all elements of flipped learning in the teaching of programming.
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Copyright (c) 2021 Anderson Cavalcante Gonçalves, Deller James Ferreira, Dirson Santos de Campos, Uyara Ferreira Silva

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Accepted 2021-07-13
Published 2021-08-01
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