Small Business Owners’ Perception of Balanced Scorecard for Business Survival and Growth
The United States Small Business Administration (SBA) defines Small Business Enterprises (SMEs) business establishments that are independently owned managed or operated. Small business organization indicates that some of them have found the Balanced Scorecard to be very significant in boosting general performance in two key perspectives: higher complexity and management capability and drives change and enhance rapid growth. However, in the recent past, there has been increased study on the adoption of BSC in small organizations. The objective of this study was to determine the how small business owners in the United States perceive the aspects of balance score card in regard to business survivability, growth and competitiveness. Hypotheses that were to be answered include H1: Small business owners’ perceive learning and growth as the most significant perspective for their business survival, growth, and competitiveness beside the financial perspective. H2: Small business owners’ perceive customers as the most significant perspective for business growth, survival, and competitiveness. H3: Small businesses owners perceive internal business processes as the most significant perspective for their business growth, survival, and competitiveness. The philosophy adopted is positivist with explanatory and descriptive strategies. The approach of the research is quantitative using ANOVA analysis. The 100 sample companies were selected from the Best 100 small business in the SBA website and survey questionnaire sent online to this selected companies. The result of the research indicated that the most significant Balanced Scorecard perspective is the customer. At the end of the research, it was deciphered that all initiatives that the small business listed in SBA undertake when applying the BSC, customer focus is always the guiding force. Therefore, it can be stated overly that there a significant positive perception of the Balanced Scorecard as a tool to enhance growth and survivability among small businesses.
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Accepted 2021-07-13
Published 2021-10-01