Vol. 9 No. 10 (2021): International Journal for Innovation Education and Research
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Published: 2021-10-01
Journal Articles
An overview of visceral leishmaniasis in the city of Gurupi, south region of Tocantins
Nayanne Deusdará Escobar, Adevan Bofim Costa Junior, Andreisa Prieb, Ana Claúdia Sariava Rocha, Nathalia Freire Gilo , Sthephany de Castro Bedran , Marco Túlio Borges Sousa , Gabrielle Nazareno Escobar, Luis Eduardo Gomides de Souza , Livia Zanatta , Marla Adryelle Silva Costa , Adolpho Dias Chiacchio , Helen Mariel Biazaussi , Walmirton Bezerra D’Alessandro1-13 -
Small Business Owners’ Perception of Balanced Scorecard for Business Survival and Growth
Dr. Emad Ahmed, Dr. Medhat Alsafadi14-33 -
Port logistics viability analysis Case study of the autonomous port of Cotonou (BENIN) (PAC)
Alphonse Hounsounou, Hito Braga de Moraes, Maamar El Robrini34-50 -
Rural credit and the livestock process in the microregion of Vilhena, Rondônia, Western Amazon
Fabio Robson Casara Cavalcante, Carlos Alberto Paraguassú-Chaves, Raimunda Lirineide de Brito, Carla Dolezel Trindade, Simão Aznar Filho, Ana Maria Moraes da Fonseca Cavancante, Dr. Fabrício Moraes de Almeida, Simão Dolezel Aznar, Levi Pereira Granja de Souza, Ricardo Guanabara, Carlos Eugenio Pereira51-67 -
Integrated Governance and Management Index (iGG) of the Federal Court of Auditors (TCU) Quality of Governance and Public Management – Technological Innovation Index
Luciana Fabiano, Marlene Valerio dos Santos Arenas , Rosália Maria Passos da Silva, Natália Talita Araújo Nascimento68-90 -
Sex education in school and teacher training: contributions to an imperative agenda
Lilia Kanan, Jaime Dresch, Renata Nunes91-107 -
Application of RFID Technology in Public Sectors in Brazil
Alcemir da Silva Carvalho, Ricardo Jorge da Cunha Costa Nogueira108-118 -
Validation of the ISAREG model for the irrigation management of the melon crop in the state of Ceará
Kleiton Rocha Saraiva, Francisco Marcus Lima Bezerra, Francisco de Souza, Luis de França Camboim Neto, Clayton Moura de Carvalho, Raimundo Rodrigues Gomes Filho, Hernandes de Oliveira Feitosa, Mário de Oliveira Rebouças Neto, Ketylen Vieira Santos, Ralph Wendel Oliveira de Araujo119-130 -
Contribution of strategic information distribution to the decision making processes - an empirical
Daniel Bussolotto, Leonardo Da Costa Bagattini, Maria Emília Camargo131-144 -
Cultural and social interactions cinema in focus
Andréia Mainardi Contri, Marlon Paula Pessota, Carla Rosane da Silva Tavares Alves, Vânia Maria Abreu de Oliveira145-155 -
Analysis of the optimization of the construction process of ecological brick compared to ceramic brick A literature review
Francisca das Chagas Oliveira, Paulysendra Felipe Silva, Phillype Dowglas Lopes, Rebeka Manuela Lobo Sousa, Gilvan Moreira da Paz, Roberto Arruda Lima Soares156-173 -
The House of Spirits – The Female Influence and the Chilean Military Dictatorship
Ciro Portella Cardoso, Tiago Anderson Brutti, Marcelo Cacinotti Costa, Gabriela Dickel das Chagas, Deivid Jonas Silva da Veiga, Denise da Costa Dias Scheffer174-182 -
Intellectual Property and Innovation as a Way to Enable Technological Development in the Agribusiness Sector a meta-analysis
Aprigio Teles Mascarenhas Neto, Maria Emilia Camargo183-196 -
Clinical and morphological factors associated with two groups of concordant breast cancer immunophenotypes a cross-sectional study of 24-year historical series
Daniella Serafin Couto Vieira, Rozany Mucha Dufloth, Laura Otto Walter, Ana Carolina Rabello de Moraes, João Péricles da Silva Jr, Fernando Carlos De Lander Schmitt, Maria Cláudia Santos-Silva197-213 -
Analysis of sizes and state of ovarian maturity in yellowfin tuna (Thunnus albacares) captured in the Gulf of Mexico
Eduardo Alfredo Zarza Meza, Fabiola Garcés Díaz, Rodrigo Cuervo Gonzalez214-227 -
Exploration of collaboration with university students in marking and moderation
Benjamin Milbourna, Melissa H Black, Tomomi Mcauliffe, Melissa Scott, Angus Buchanan228-245 -
Develop a fuzzy inference model to measure the quality of project management processes in a third sector institution
Juliana Câmara de Souza, Manoel Henrique Reis Nascimento246-283 -
The Acceleration, Education and Resonance
Aldair Oliveira Andrade, Roberta Ferreira Coelho de Andrade, Antonio Marcos de Oliveira Siqueira, Wagner dos Reis Marques Araújo284-293 -
Interactions Between University-Company-Government and the Entrepreneurial Ecosystems Systematic Literature Review
João Paulo dos Santos Simplício, André Luis Rocha de Souza, Maria Inês Corrêa Marques294-311 -
Evaluation and depreciation analisys of the immobile market value in the city of CODÓ-MA.
Yudson Samuel Vasconcelos Lima, Lucas Willian Braga Silva, Wellington Campos dos Santos, Paulo Ricardo Alves dos Reis Santos, Jefferson de Brito Sousa, Paulysendra Felipe Silva312-332 -
Telectronic Government and Process Innovation The perception of Municipal Public Managers
Andrea Simoni Kiekow, Marta Elisete Ventura da Motta, Maria Emilia Camargo, Angela Isabel dos Santos Dullius, Angela Pellegrin Ansuj, Aprígio Teles Mascarenhas Neto342-356 -
Bibliometric analysis of Organisational Behaviour an approach under the merit perspective with a time frame of 2015 to 2021
Jean Marc Nacife, Kennedy de Araújo Barbosa, Estela Najberg357-369 -
Difficulties in maintaining productivity and engaging teams in home office
Felipe Kupka Feliciano, Melissa Ribeiro do Amaral, Juliano Keller Alvez, Inara Vieira Antunes Willerding, Édis Mafra Lapolli370-379 -
Management of Labour Pain by using non-pharmacological Measures
Varsha Rawat, Anil Kumar Parashar, Suresh K Sharma380-391 -
The influence of childhood storytelling
MARIA APARECIDA SANTANA CAMARGO, Stela Maris Scheffer392-403 -
Educational technologies and inclusion experiences You Tube’s potential for teaching History to deaf people
Jadson Fernando Rodrigues Reis, Francyhélia Benedita Mendes Sousa, Ana Caroline Amorim Oliveira, Pryscilla Santos de Carvalho, Emanuely Ferreira dos Reis Luz, Cedric Tempel Nakasu, Sheila Cristina Bogéa dos Santos, Camilla Garcêz Ribeiro, Valdilene de Jesus Oliveira Santos, Adriana Rodrigues De Sousa404-414 -
Evaluation of the Food Service provided in the 2nd Engineering Group
Bruno Martins Leveau, Jonas Gomes da Silva415-435 -
Mapping the DMAIC Tool in the Public Sector A Bibliometric Literature Review
Marcos Candido da Silva, Sandro Breval Santiago436-453 -
Simplification of legal language as a way to expand society's access to justice
Marcio Jean Malheiros Mendes, Amanda Karoline Schmitz Mendes, Antonio Escandiel de Souza, Fabio Cesar Junges, Ana Cristina Mendes, Laura Zimmermann de Souza454-464