Cultural and social interactions

cinema in focus




cinema, gender, machismo, prejudice, social inclusion


This paper presents the results of a bibliographical research that had as corpus the films "Up to the limit of honor" (1997), "Race and redemption" (2019) and "The House of Spirits" (1993), an activity proposed in the discipline Cultural Representations: Literature and Cinema, of the master’s degree in Sociocultural Practices and Social Development of the University of Cruz Alta – Unicruz. The purpose of this work was to discuss recurring themes in the contemporary society scenario, such as: machismo, social inclusion and prejudice, issues that are presented in the films analyzed.


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Author Biographies

  • Andréia Mainardi Contri

    Master in Sociocultural Practices and Social Development, Unicruz Teacher in the Municipal Public Education Network of Ijuí-RS

  • Marlon Paula Pessota, University of Cruz Alta

    Master's student in Sociocultural Practices and Social Development (Unicruz). Architect and Urban Planner (Unicruz). Cruz Alta, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil.

  • Carla Rosane da Silva Tavares Alves, Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul

    Doctor in Letters – Compared Literature (UFRGS),

    Coordinator of the Graduate Program in Sociocultural Practices and Social Development (Unicruz),

    Cruz Alta, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil.

  • Vânia Maria Abreu de Oliveira, Pontifical Catholic University of Rio Grande do Sul

    Doctor in History (PUCRS). Professor at the Graduate Program in Sociocultural Practices and Social Development (Unicruz). Cruz Alta, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil.


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MONTE, Izadora Xavier do. Feminist studies. Florianópolis. vol. 21, 2013.

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RACE and Redemption, [film]. (2019), Robin Bissel (director), Sony Pictures (North America).

ROSENSTONE, Roberto A. The story in the movies, the movies in History. São Paulo: Paz e Terra, 2010.

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How to Cite

Contri, A. M., Pessota, M. P., Alves, C. R. da S. T., & Oliveira, V. M. A. de. (2021). Cultural and social interactions: cinema in focus. International Journal for Innovation Education and Research, 9(10), 145-155.
Received 2021-08-31
Accepted 2021-09-15
Published 2021-10-01