Bibliometric analysis of Organisational Behaviour
an approach under the merit perspective with a time frame of 2015 to 2021
Bibliometric, Measurable, Information, MeritocracyAbstract
This study aims to investigate the theoretical contributions on organisational behaviour and meritocracy. The methodology used involved exploratory analysis, based on bibliometric research. The data were extracted from the Scopus and Web of Science journal databases, accessed through the journals portal of the Coordination for the Improvement of Higher Education Personnel (CAPES) and through the restricted access of the Federated Academic Community (Café) of the Instituto Federal Goiano (IF Goiano). The result obtained indicated the combination of the search terms, "organisational behaviour and merit". (Scopus and Web of Science). It was used as technical support, a set of open source solutions, R software, with techniques for filtering duplicate and non-pertinent publications, totaling 63 articles, ranging from the years 2015 to June 2021. It is clear that there is a concentration of terms reporting on public educational organisations, which focus on issues about performance and the positive effects of human behaviour. Finally, it was identified that the term merit is closer to contexts involving perspectives, gender, and market, while meritocracy subsidizes studies that address organisational social inequality and human resource management.
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Accepted 2021-10-10
Published 2021-10-01