Educational technologies and inclusion experiences

You Tube’s potential for teaching History to deaf people




Technology, You Tube History teaching, Special Education, Deafness


A teaching proposal for deaf people will be outlined here, mediated through You Tube, that contemplates the topics covered in History classes, through the joint and collaborative construction of a digital library of Libras videos on this platform. Therefore, a brief contextualization is outlined on how the discipline has been organized in the Basic Education curriculum in face of the technological changes that take place at the turn of the 20th century with the advent of information and communication technologies (ICTs) The methodology used is a qualitative approach in a descriptive and exploratory character, which will analyze some bibliographical productions on the subject and the discussion of two You Tube channels.The dialogues with Pinsky (2016), Bispo and Barros (2016), Castells (1999), Queiroga Junior (2018), Coelho and Bottentuit Junior (2019), Correa (2002) and Pereira (2017), open up possibilities for thinking about the teaching of History mediated by ICTs. Among the results obtained, there is the relevance of thinking about mediated educational projects by educational technologies that contribute to the achievement of autonomy of the deaf person, respecting their different ways of learning.


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Author Biographies

  • Jadson Fernando Rodrigues Reis, Federal University of Maranhão

    Master’s student in Culture and Society, Graduate Program in Culture and Society (PGCult), Federal University of Maranhão, São Luís, Maranhão, Brazil.

  • Francyhélia Benedita Mendes Sousa, Federal University of Maranhão

    Master’s student in Culture and Society, Graduate Program in Culture and Society (PGCult), Federal University of Maranhão, São Luís, Maranhão, Brazil.

  • Ana Caroline Amorim Oliveira, Federal University of Maranhão

    Teacher the Graduate Program in Culture and Society (PGCult), Federal University of Maranhão, São Luís, Maranhão, Brazil.

  • Pryscilla Santos de Carvalho, Federal University of Maranhão

    Master’s student in Culture and Society, Graduate Program in Culture and Society (PGCult), Federal University of Maranhão, São Luís, Maranhão, Brazil.

  • Emanuely Ferreira dos Reis Luz, Federal University of Maranhão

    Master’s student in Culture and Society, Graduate Program in Culture and Society (PGCult), Federal University of Maranhão, São Luís, Maranhão, Brazil.

  • Cedric Tempel Nakasu, Federal University of Maranhão

    Master’s student in Culture and Society, Graduate Program in Culture and Society (PGCult), Federal University of Maranhão, São Luís, Maranhão, Brazil.

  • Sheila Cristina Bogéa dos Santos, Federal University of Maranhão

    Master’s student in Culture and Society, Graduate Program in Culture and Society (PGCult), Federal University of Maranhão, São Luís, Maranhão, Brazil.

  • Camilla Garcêz Ribeiro, Federal University of Maranhão

    Master’s student in Culture and Society, Graduate Program in Culture and Society (PGCult), Federal University of Maranhão, São Luís, Maranhão, Brazil.

  • Valdilene de Jesus Oliveira Santos, Federal University of Maranhão

    Master’s student in Culture and Society, Graduate Program in Culture and Society (PGCult), Federal University of Maranhão, São Luís, Maranhão, Brazil.

  • Adriana Rodrigues De Sousa, Federal University of Maranhão

    Master’s student in Culture and Society, Graduate Program in Culture and Society (PGCult), Federal University of Maranhão, São Luís, Maranhão, Brazil.


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How to Cite

Reis, J. F. R., Sousa, F. B. M., Amorim Oliveira, A. C., Carvalho, P. S. de, Luz, E. F. dos R., Nakasu, C. T., Santos, S. C. B. dos, Garcêz Ribeiro, C., Santos, V. de J. O., & Sousa, A. R. D. (2021). Educational technologies and inclusion experiences: You Tube’s potential for teaching History to deaf people. International Journal for Innovation Education and Research, 9(10), 404-414.
Received 2021-09-20
Accepted 2021-10-10
Published 2021-10-01

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