Flipping the Classroom

Reflections on the flipped classroom and teaching practice in Philosophy in the Higher Education





Flipped Classroom, Philosophy, Learning, Higher Education in Brazil


The new Coronavirus Pandemic has revealed the need for a methodological redefinition of teaching and learning attitude of teachers and students, through the pedagogical use of digital technologies. Therefore, this article aims to present reflections on the use of the Flipped Classroom methodology as a re-signifying possibility for the teaching of Philosophy in Higher Education, considering the context of remote emergency teaching. Assuming that there is a concern with the didactic-pedagogical and sociopolitical process of teaching and learning that constitutes teaching practice in the teaching of Philosophy in Brazilian Academies, the question is: what are the advantages and challenges of using the flipped classroom methodology in the process of teaching and learning Philosophy in Higher Education? For this, two fundamental aspects of the formal educational process are discussed: the first refers to the didactic-pedagogical and sociopolitical aspects of the teaching and learning process that constitute the teaching practice, as the content and didactics are emphasized. that is, the “what” and the “how to teach” and the second, it is about the need for re-signification/updating of traditional teaching in face of active methodologies. Based on the current context of remote teaching and/or hybrid teaching in Higher Education in Brazil, it is concluded that is necessary to reframe pedagogical practice in terms of the production of academic knowledge, without losing sight of the conditions in which it is produced.


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Author Biographies

  • Otavio Oliveira Silva, Federal University of Maranhão

    Master’s student in Culture and Society

  • Francyhélia Benedita Mendes Sousa, Federal University of Maranhão

    Master’s student in Culture and Society, Graduate Program in Culture and Society (PGCult)

  • Flávio Luiz de Castro Freitas , Federal University of Maranhão

    Teacher the Graduate Program in Culture and Society (PGCult)

  • Vanessa Leite Da Silva , Federal University of Maranhão

    Master’s student in Culture and Society, Graduate Program in Culture and Society (PGCult)

  • Jaqueline Santos C. Leite, Federal University of Maranhão

    Master’s student in Culture and Society, Graduate Program in Culture and Society (PGCult)

  • Ariana Kelly Martins Costa, Federal University of Maranhão

    Master’s student in Culture and Society, Graduate Program in Culture and Society (PGCult)

  • Concilene Régia N. Campos de Carvalho, Federal University of Maranhão

    Master’s student in Culture and Society, Graduate Program in Culture and Society (PGCult)

  • Sheila Cristina Bogéa dos Santos, Federal University of Maranhão

    Master’s student in Culture and Society, Graduate Program in Culture and Society (PGCult)

  • Josely de Sousa Sodré, Federal University of Maranhão

    Master’s student in Culture and Society, Graduate Program in Culture and Society (PGCult)


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How to Cite

Silva, O. O., Sousa, . F. B. M. ., Freitas , F. L. de C. ., Silva , V. L. D. ., Leite, J. S. C., Costa, A. K. M. ., Carvalho, C. R. N. C. de ., Santos, S. C. B. dos ., & Sodré, J. de S. . (2021). Flipping the Classroom: Reflections on the flipped classroom and teaching practice in Philosophy in the Higher Education. International Journal for Innovation Education and Research, 9(11), 579-591. https://doi.org/10.31686/ijier.vol9.iss11.3553
Received 2021-10-21
Accepted 2021-11-17
Published 2021-11-01

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