The Acceleration, Education and Resonance


  • Aldair Oliveira Andrade Federal University of Amazonas
  • Roberta Ferreira Coelho de Andrade Federal University of Amazonas
  • Antonio Marcos de Oliveira Siqueira Universidade Federal de Viçosa
  • Wagner dos Reis Marques Araújo Minas Gerais State University



Acceleration, ; Education, Resonance


This article aims to reflect on the themes of Acceleration, Education and Resonance. The work discusses the educational process, already exhaustively addressed, from a perspective not yet explored in the work of Hartmut Rosa: the historically feasible process of acceleration and its bet on the construction of resonant relationships in the educational process. The constitution and consolidation of the educational process is feasible, and that it is continuously modified with processes of ruptures, advances and setbacks, in the name of Culture. Rosa exhaustively explores the process of acceleration of the world in her work “Acceleration”, as well as underscores in “Ressonance” the need to build an “oasis of resonance”. This work, as a reflexive exercise, dares to weave an arrangement in which it is not possible to think or even build an “acceleration oasis” in the educational space without this construction not considering the categorical imperative of time.


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Author Biographies

  • Aldair Oliveira Andrade, Federal University of Amazonas

    Programa de Pós-Graduação em Ciências e Humanidades (PPGCH)

  • Roberta Ferreira Coelho de Andrade, Federal University of Amazonas

    Departamento de Serviço Social, Manaus/AM


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How to Cite

Andrade, A. O., Andrade, R. F. C. de, de Oliveira Siqueira, A. M., & Marques Araújo, W. dos R. . (2021). The Acceleration, Education and Resonance. International Journal for Innovation Education and Research, 9(10), 284-293.
Received 2021-09-10
Accepted 2021-10-10
Published 2021-10-01