Evaluation of the Food Service provided in the 2nd Engineering Group
SERVQUAL, SERVPERF, Customer SatisfactionAbstract
The food system of the Brazilian Armed Forces is governed by specific rules and financed by federal collections. In this context, the research proposes a methodology that allows evaluating the average level of satisfaction of users of the foodservice provided in the Procurement of the 2nd Engineering Group, located in the city of Manaus, capital of Amazonas. Therefore, an online questionnaire was developed and applied, adapted from the model proposed by Barros (2013), using four quality dimensions: (i) product quality; (ii) environmental conditions; (iii) facilities; and (iv) employees. The questionnaire has 19 items distributed among the four dimensions, in which the respondent indicated their level of satisfaction using the 10-point Likert scale. The questionnaire was available for ten days and obtained 105 respondents. Data were analyzed using the mean and standard deviation of dimensions and items. It was observed that the “employees” dimension obtained the best evaluation, and the item with the best performance was “employees' hygiene”. On the other hand, the “facilities” dimension had the worst performance, and the main item that needs improvement is “access to people with special needs”. After analyzing the data, the main conclusion of the survey was that the level of customer satisfaction with the aforementioned food service is “GOOD”. In the end, improvement suggestions were made for five items considered to be the most critical. For future studies, it is suggested to evaluate the level of customer satisfaction with that service after applying the improvement actions suggested in this work.
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Accepted 2021-10-10
Published 2021-10-01