Thailand Performance and Best Management Practices that saved lives against Covid-19: a comparison against ten critical countries
BMP, Covid-19, Culture, FTI, Leadership by example, Innovation, PolicyAbstract
After 265 days, since the first reported case of Covid-19, the world has reported the lost of almost one million (969.018) precious lives (WORLDOMETERS, 2020). The pandemic is a challenge for all countries, most of them eager to learn from nations that are successful against the virus. In addition, an international survey, published on April/20, by Silva (2020, p. 600), concluded that although no country is prepared to face epidemics and pandemics (NTI, JHU, and EIU, 2019), among the 16 countries investigated, Thailand, Finland, Australia, South Korea, Denmark, and Sweden are cases that Brazil could study so as not to repeat the scenarios of China, USA, Italy, and Spain. Thus, this study investigates the performance and the best management practices adopted in Thailand to save lives against Covid-19, during the first 180 days facing the pandemic. The research is useful for academy, government policymakers and authorities. It is descriptive, with the application of an online questionnaire, bibliographic and documentary research, involving the study of official sites, articles, reports, manuals, and other technical documents. A new indicator was developed (Fatality Total Index), which allowed to identify that among 20 nations with the highest number of fatal cases, the ten most critical are 1st) Mexico; 2nd) Peru; 3rd) Italy; 4th) Ecuador; 5th) Iran; 6th) Chile; 7th) UK; 8th) Belgium; 9th) Colombia; and 10th) Brazil. Some conclusions are: first) Thailand`s FTI180 is the very low, indicating that this country has learned from the lessons of the past, reason by which is the best at saving lives against the Covid-19; Third) for 86 respondents living in Thailand, wear mask, not shake hands, not hug in public, wash hands, and not wearing shoes in the house, were the five most decisive cultural practices that saved lives; Fourth) For 96 respondents living in Thailand, the ten main policy measures adopted by Thailand Government that saved lives against the Covid-19 are: first) international travel control; 2nd) public event cancellations; 3rd) schools closures; 4th) restriction on internal movement; 5th) workplaces closures; 6th) public information campaigns; 7th) effective public-private collaboration; 8th) increase the medical and personal equipment capacity; 9th) support the expansion of testing system, and 10th) wage subsidies for workers; Fifth) to save lives against Covid-19, 28 innovative products or services were identified in Thailand, with majority led by Corporations, Universities, followed by Public Sector, Start Ups, and Others.
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Accepted 2020-10-10
Published 2020-11-01