Impact of Autonomous Maintenance on a PIM Production Line
TPM, Autonomous Maintenance, Equipment AvailabilityAbstract
To increase the competitiveness of their products, companies have sought to identify and eliminate losses in their production processes to reduce production costs. One of the six major process losses established by the Total Productive Maintenance (TPM) philosophy is related to equipment downtime in the production environment. This paper analyzes the impacts of the implementation of autonomous maintenance through the eight-step analysis implemented by a project developed in line 3 of the welding sector of a factory located in the city of Manaus, capital of Amazonas, Brazil. To this end, the indicators were evaluated, establishing the solution priority, defining the necessary actions and implementing them. Upon completion of the project, there was a 39% increase in operators' knowledge of machines and autonomous maintenance procedures, as well as a 75% reduction in line equipment downtime, increasing the availability from 94.9% to 98.7%, allowing to verify the effects of the execution of the autonomous maintenance activities.
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Copyright (c) 2019 Aglei Duques Maciel Filho, Jonas Gomes da Silva, Mariana Sarmanho de Oliveira Lima
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