Stencil control in the automatic insertion of a PIM Company
Automatic insertion, Stencil control, Quality toolsAbstract
The article evaluated the control of Stencil in the subprocess of Printing of the SMD line of a company located in the Industrial Pole of Manaus (PIM), to provide subsidies to develop a computerized system. With computerization, the focus of employees will be directed to the activities of production and quality of manufactured products, also, the collection of process data, done in real-time, will allow managers to better monitor and take actions in the process. To this end, a case study, bibliographic research of articles, dissertations, and theses involving the theme, and documentary research (forms, records, etc.) with the sectors involved were used. The descriptive statistics method was applied, quality tools were used, aimed at identifying and solving problems such as PDCA, Pareto, Ishikawa Diagram, flow chart, and 5W2H. A study of the activities related to the control of the Stencil was carried out, of the documentation used in the process, as well as of the factors and causes related to the effective Stencil control. Among the results, 24 causes affect the performance of the Stencil control, concluding that the main failures were human, due to the prioritization of production goals by the employees, leaving the other activities in the background, which is why the 24 guidelines proposed for the computerization of this process become relevant, some of which are: defining means to identify each Stencil using a bar code or QR code; do not allow the use of the Stencil if one of the activities unfinished in the process; stop production when an activity is not performed; digitize the documents used in this process; create an automatic notification to those responsible, when an action is necessary, etc.Downloads
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Accepted 2020-09-21
Published 2020-10-01