Vol. 7 No. 12 (2019): International Journal for Innovation Education and Research
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Published: 2019-12-01
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Journal Articles
Scavenger social existence in Makassar (case study community scavenger in Tamangapa TPAS)
Nursalam Nursalam, Muhammad Nawir01-07 -
Geotechnical characteristics of mass movements in Manaus – Am
Charles Maciel Ramos, Alemar Pereira Torres, Igor Nonato Almeida Pereira, Consuelo Alves da Frota15-27 -
Developing software IVO for clinical, laboratory, therapeutic and cost data collection for Sickle Cell Anemia
Andréia Insabralde de Queiroz Cardoso, Maria Lúcia Ivo, Marcos Antonio Ferreira Júnior, Luiz Fernando Delboni Lomba, Caroline Neris Ferreira Sarat, Carolina Mariano Pompeo, Mayk Penze Cardoso, Maurício Duailibi Neto, Raphael Viana de Paula Leite, Jander Santos Souza, Felipe Machado Mota28-35 -
Enhancement of empathy in children through interventions
Ms. Amna Murad, Ifra Iftikhar, Mr. Abbas Rashid Butt36-55 -
Design and development of a low-cost reactor for biodiesel production from waste cooking oil (WCO)
Dr. Paulo Sérgio Barbosa dos Santos, Dra. Lúcia Adriana Villas-Bôas, Dra. Mariana Matulovic da Silva Rodrigueiro, Leonardo Alexandre Lopes, Thiago Rocha Rodrigues, Prof. Dr. Cleber Alexandre de Amorim56-68 -
Availability and Utilization of Equipment/Materials in Senior Secondary Schools Biology Practical Activities in Ekiti State, Nigeria
Joseph Fatoba, ABIDAKUN Ojo Titus69-80 -
Characterization Of Patients Diagnosed With Phenylketonuria In The Neonatal Treatment Reference Service
Geanlucas Mendes Monteiro, ELEN VILLEGAS CAMPOS, Elenir Rose Jardim Cury Pontes, Liane de Rosso Giuliani81-89 -
Nonlinear Behavior of a Suspended Particle in Single-Axis Acoustic Levitators
Celso Abud, Mirosmar Rodrigues, Tiago Ramos90-100 -
A Serious Game for the Cardiovascular System Anatomy A case study of the performance effects on health sciences students
Karolini Conceição, Robson Lemos, Patricia Fiuza, Cristian Cechinel, Cristiane Rudolph115-128 -
Application of quantitative methods in the generation of innovation and creativity
Raul Afonso Pommer Barbosa, Flávio de São Pedro Filho, Artur Virgílio Simpson Martins, Tomás Daniel Menéndez Rodriguez, Osmar Siena129-146 -
Collaboration Networks for Social Innovation A Case Study in a Technological Incubator of Popular Cooperatives
Márcia Aparecida Prim, Gertrudes Apaarecida Dandoline, Solange Maria da Silva, João Artur de Souza147-164 -
Data-visualization and new literacies new methods for video remixes analysis
Eduardo de Moura Almeida165-182 -
Resilience In the Face of Social and Environmental Impacts
Gildázio Pereira da Silva Júnior, Dr. Flávio de São Pedro Filho183-195 -
Classroom Teachers It Matters What They Know About Gifted Education Matters
Dr. Julie Lamb-Milligan196-201 -
Robotics Activities a Practice of Social Transformation
João Antônio Vargas de Souza, Eliane Schlemmer202-215 -
Associations of intellectual ability, inhibitory control, impulsiveness, cognitive flexibility and functional impairment in adults with ADHD Symptoms
Izabella Trinta Paes, Mayara Miyahara Moraes Silva, Ana Paula Roim Micieli, Maria Cristina Triguero Veloz Teixeira, Luiz Renato Rodrigues Carreiro216-224 -
The effect of company size, financial leverage, and profitability of share overpricing at the initial public offering (IPO)
Atika Ulfah, Tri Joko Prasetyo, Usep Saipuddin225-235 -
The Role of Benefits, Impacts and Community Trust in Predicting Mining Operational Acceptance in the Community
Noven Surya Pratama, Lindrian Asari, Usep Saipuddin236-245 -
Factors affecting the delay of company financial statements
Anisa Syafiqa Raihani, Tri Joko Prasetyo, Fitra Dharma246-255 -
Analysis of value relevance of intellectual capital disclosure
Dhissa Miranthi Arnis, Lindrian Asari, Yuztitya Asmaranti, Usep Saipuddin256-268 -
Time Synchronization in Limited Resources Wireless Devices
Paulo Lopes, Fernando B. Nascimento269-288 -
Analysis of factors affecting the audit delay in manufacturing companies listed in Indonesia stock exchange in 2013-2015
Dimas Rijalul Fanny, Ratna Septiyanti, Usep Syaippudin289-297 -
Analysis the effect of growth opportunity, liquidity, leverage, and volatility of cash flows to hedging decisions
Ayudia Dwi Puspitasari, Agrianti Komalasari, Sudrajat Sudrajat307-312 -
The Garbage in the Public Space: Sensitization by Science Teaching Using Virtual Reality
Márcio Silveira Nascimento, Henrique Oliveira Lima, Janny Christiny Fernandes Lima, Aline Zorzi Schultheis de Freitas, Andréa Pereira Mendonça313-325 -
Effect on the performance of ethics disclosure of identity in Islamic bank Indonesia (study in Islamic banking companies listed in bank Indonesia, 2008-2018)
Muhammad Nur Syuhada, Agrianti Komalasari, Sudrajat Sudrajat326-332 -
PBL method in the formative process in postgraduate courses An evaluation from students' perception
Juan Arturo Castañeda-Ayarza, Samuel Carvalho De Benedicto, Denise Helena Lombardo Ferreira, Marileide Barbosa333-347 -
Influence of Milled Material and Construction Waste on the Properties of a Typical Soil of Iranduba City - AM / BR
Marcos Raiker Printes Ferreira, David Barbosa de Alencar, Felipe Wilson Leão da Silva, Fábio Martins da Silva, Consuelo Alves da Frota348-355 -
Maintaining Quality in Online Learning Environments Issues and Challenges
Dr. Melissa Aldredge, CPA, Mrs. Lise DuBois, M.S. , Mrs. Diane Mobley, CPA, Elizabeth Abington Prejean, DBA, Mrs. Margaret Vienne, MBA361-367 -
The Work of The Deaf teacher at The University
Vanderlei Porto Pinto, ELEN VILLEGAS CAMPOS, Gildiney Penaves de Alencar, Jackson Lemos Gonçalves, Ramon Gustavo de Moraes Ovando, Josivaldo Godoy da Silva, Alexandra Maria Almeida Carvalho Pinto, Geanlucas Mendes Monteiro368-373 -
Effectiveness of Phenylketonuria Diagnosis in The Neonatal Treatment Reference Service
Geanlucas Mendes Monteiro, ELEN VILLEGAS CAMPOS, Abilio Torres dos Santos Neto, Elenir Rose Jardim Cury Pontes, Maria Lúcia Ivo, Maria Angélica Marcheti, Andréia Insabralde de Queiroz Cardoso, Liane de Rosso Giuliani374-384 -
Impact of Autonomous Maintenance on a PIM Production Line
Aglei Duques Maciel Filho, Jonas Gomes da Silva, Mariana Sarmanho de Oliveira Lima385-398 -
Analysis of fishing activity and management of resources in the artisan fisherman colony in Bahia semiarid
Dajana Gabriella Nóbrega Santos da Silva, Adriana Maria Cunha da Silva399-408 -
IoT System for Ultraviolet Ray Index Monitoring
Rivanildo Duarte Almeida, Raimundo Barreto, Eduardo Souto, Jandecy Cabral Leite409-420 -
Perspectives of the use of sulforaphane in animal model of colorectal carcinogenesis in Brazil a review
César Augusto Sobrinho, Evair Moisés de Lima Santiago, Marcelo Barbosa Neves, Alessandra de Figueiredo Gonçalves, Eliza Miranda Ramos, Ricardo Dutra Aydos, Rondon Ramalho421-427 -
Concrete Production Using Fine Glass Aggregates as Partial Replacement of Sand
Samuel Cameli Fernandes, Laerte Melo Barros, Rodrigo Paz Barros, Pedro Felix Liotto, David Barbosa de Alencar428-439 -
Geographical Indication a proposal for measuring centrality
Denise Lemos Garcia, Gabriel Francisco da Silva, André Luiz Gomes de Souza, José Pereira Mascarenhas Bisneto, Emerson de Sousa Silva462-473 -
How to perform an ergonomic analysis of a workstation
Carlos Domingues Ascate Júnior, Mariana Sarmanho de Oliveira Lima, Jonas Gomes da Silva474-491 -
Development of Tetraarylphosphonium/Tetrakis(pentafluorophenyl)borate (TAPR/TFAB) salts as non-aqueous electrolytes for organic redox flow batteries
ZeAndra Whitfield, Janese Bibbs, Ghislain R Mandouma, John Miller, Matt Bird, Tomoyasu Mani, Reid Wilson492-498 -
Investigation and Improvement Strategies of College Students' Self-cognition
Jinxin Chen, Decheng Zhang508-514 -
Gravitational hypothesis due to quadimensional interaction of incipient energy
AUGUSTO AZARIAS DE OLIVEIRA NETO, Evilly Cardoso Gomes, Pedro Luiz Ribeiro dos Santos529-535 -
Application of lean manufacturing in construction management
Filipe dos Santos Aureliano, Ariellen Aparecida Fidelis Costa, Professor Ivan Franklin Júnior, Professor Alessandro Ferreira Alves, Professor Roger A. Rodrigues, Prof. Rodrigo F. Frogeri, Professor Pedro dos Santos Portugal Júnior536-544 -
The Physical Education Professional's Insertion in the Recovery Plan for Resident Addicts in the Campo Grande Therapeutic Communities – MS
Luis Henrique Almeida Castro, Raphael de Souza Cosmo, Gildiney Penaves de Alencar, Lúcio Barbosa Neto, Cristiane Martins Viegas de Oliveira, Thiago Teixeira Pereira, André da Silva Dias545-553 -
Political, Historical and Social Features of the Human Right to Health A Brief Interdisciplinary Review of the Literature
Luis Henrique Almeida Castro, Cristiane Martins Viegas de Oliveira, Diego Bezerra de Souza, Geanlucas Mendes Monteiro, Gildiney Penaves de Alencar, Verônica Assalin Zorgetto-Pinheiro, Raphael de Souza Cosmo, Thiago Teixeira Pereira554-561 -
How to reduce craters in the painting process of a PIM company?
Gustavo Rodrigues Guimarães, Jonas Gomes da Silva, Mariana Sarmanho de Oliveira Lima562-576 -
Model to evaluate the impact of IFAM/Centro training
Marlise Pinto Azevedo, Jonas Gomes da Silva577-609 -
Model to evaluate the effectiveness of the IFAM Internship Program
Maria Carolina da Costa Monteiro, Jonas Gomes da Silva610-627 -
Influence of the external environment on the logistics strategies of industrial organizations
Daniel Nascimento-e-Silva, Elenilson Bento de Sousa Júnior, Ana Lúcia Soares Machado, Márison Luiz Soares, Gilbert Breves Martins628-643 -
“Body and Soul Pain” Conception and social support network for women who experienced marital violence
Naiara Lima Pereira, Mirelly Tavares Feitosa Pereira, Gisele de Souza Costa, André Luiz Machado das Neves, Izaura Rodrigues Nascimento, Zilmar Augusto de Souza Filho644-657 -
Financial Innovation Solutions from Blockchain Technology in the Perception of Financial Market Agents
Guilherme Spiazzi dos Santos, Sílvio Parodi Oliveira Camilo658-676 -
Financial Innovation Solutions from Blockchain Technology in the Perception of Financial Market Agents
Guilherme Spiazzi dos Santos, Sílvio Parodi Oliveira Camilo677-695 -
36 Best Management Practices for Manaus-Amazon Urban Afforestation
Jonas Gomes da Silva, Juliana Assunção de Souza696-743 -
The effect of independent commissioners, audit committees, financial distress, and company sizes on integrity of financial statements
Intan Permatasari, Agrianti Komalasari, Ratna Septiyanti744-750 -
Effect of Compensation on the Performance of Private Higher Education Lecturers with Motivation as an Intervening Variable
Levina Rachmawati Putri, Fajar Gustiawaty Dewi, Yuliansyah Yuliansyah751-755 -
The Effect of Task Complexity, Role of Whistleblower and Investigative Auditor's Ability on the Effectiveness of the Implementation of Audit Procedures in Proving Fraud
Lailatul Qodri, Rindu Rika Gamayuni, Sudrajat Sudrajat756-761 -
Technological Management of Public Services Based on the DMAIC Method Applying Theory U
Bianca Moret Neubauer, Flávio de São Pedro Filho, Leonardo Severo da Luz Neto, Fabio Biasotto Feitosa, Luciano Alves Bezerra762-776 -
The issue of anxiety in the subjectivity constitution
Adair Adams, Pâmela de Souza Fiorio dos Santos, Maiani Vieira Domingues777-785 -
Effectiveness Analysis of Biomedical Dynamometers used to evaluate palmar gripping force and forceps gripping in Leprosy Carriers
Desirée Ferro Scapinelli, Josivaldo Godoy da Silva, Iandara Schettert Silva786-793 -
The politics of disdain Cultural heritage education in Rio de Janeiro
Diego Santos Vieira de Jesus794-805 -
Using a Proposed Program Based on Johannes Itten’s Theory of Color in the Development of Color Culture among Faculty of Early-Childhood Education Students
Sabry Amin, Asmaa M. I. Musa , Nasser F. Gubeesh , Hassan M. Al-Hajan806-821