The issue of anxiety in the subjectivity constitution


  • Adair Adams UNIJUI/RS
  • Pâmela de Souza Fiorio dos Santos Agriculture and Livestock Farming (IFRS/RS).
  • Maiani Vieira Domingues Agriculture and Livestock Farming (IFRS/RS).



Subject's constitution, Pathology, Anxiety


The article argues that the human being is understood in historical and linguistic, social and cultural dimensions which constitute their way of living. There is always a sort of gestell (armor) that constitutes a subject of thought and action in every season. The objective is to argue that, currently, there is a frenzy oriented to take advantage of time for the greatest achievement of possible activities which leads to a potentiation of anxiety at pathological levels. Through bibliographic research, this study seeks to infer that the intensity to which humans are subjected carries for a contraposition to life in intensity, which are the neuropsychophysiological pathologies, such as anxiety and depression. There is an unhealthy environment in which the new generations are constituting themselves as subjects.


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Author Biographies

  • Adair Adams, UNIJUI/RS

    PhD in Science Education

  • Pâmela de Souza Fiorio dos Santos, Agriculture and Livestock Farming (IFRS/RS).


  • Maiani Vieira Domingues, Agriculture and Livestock Farming (IFRS/RS).



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How to Cite

Adams, A., dos Santos, P. de S. F. ., & Domingues, M. V. . (2019). The issue of anxiety in the subjectivity constitution. International Journal for Innovation Education and Research, 7(12), 777-785.