Teaching as dialog between interlocutors


  • Adair Adams UNIJUI/RS
  • Lidiane Borges Dias de Moraes UFPEL/RS
  • Ivan Carlos Bagnara UNIJUI/RS
  • Cláudia Adams UNOPAR






One of the central issues of pedagogy is to understand how students’ knowledge articulates and which ones insert the new generations in the human world currently. The teaching practice is in constant transformation, in the historical and linguistic perspectives, requiring a reflection on its functioning in terms of assumptions and horizons. This theoretical essay presents an interpretation of the teaching, understood as the dialog of knowledge, a thesis widespread in the academy by Mário Osório Marques. The choice for the theme and the author has its motivation in the conviction that this understanding is qualified for today and, in addition, it directs the teaching practice of the authors in basic and higher educations. The narrative that follows is based on bibliographical research and guided by the daily challenges of teaching. The horizon of the argument, in turn, follows the path of rapprochement between the teacher as interlocution with the subjects involved and the pedagogical literature that bets on dialogism.


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Author Biographies

  • Adair Adams, UNIJUI/RS

    PhD in Science Education

  • Lidiane Borges Dias de Moraes, UFPEL/RS

    PhD in Agroindustrial Science and Technology

  • Ivan Carlos Bagnara, UNIJUI/RS

    PhD in Science Education

  • Cláudia Adams, UNOPAR

    Graduated in Business Administration


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How to Cite

Adams, A., Moraes, L. B. D. de ., Bagnara, I. C. ., & Adams, C. . (2019). Teaching as dialog between interlocutors. International Journal for Innovation Education and Research, 7(7), 528-537. https://doi.org/10.31686/ijier.vol7.iss7.1634