Effect on the performance of ethics disclosure of identity in Islamic bank Indonesia (study in Islamic banking companies listed in bank Indonesia, 2008-2018)
Disclosure of Islamic Ethical Identity, NPM, BOPO, FDRAbstract
Strive for innovative Islamic banking in offering products and building a good reputation in following the development of the Islamic financial industry to trigger an increasingly competitive level of competition. Building a good reputation is largely determined by the identity of the company itself. Islamic banking has a higher moral responsibility than conventional banking or other public companies because there are social values and justice that must be met. study This was conducted to reveal that ethical identity significantly influences the financial performance of Islamic banking companies which have restrictions on Islamic commercial banks in Indonesia. This research will be conducted using secondary data in the form of annual reports issued from Islamic banks in Indonesia from 2008-2018 through the websites of each Islamic bank. The population of this study is Sharia banks that are listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange or listed at Bank Indonesia. The update of this study is that this research will replace the measurement variable profitability from ROA to NPM and change the year from 2008-2018 compared to the previous study, using only the period 2010-2013.
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