The Garbage in the Public Space: Sensitization by Science Teaching Using Virtual Reality


  • Márcio Silveira Nascimento Instituto Federal do Amazonas image/svg+xml
  • Henrique Oliveira Lima
  • Janny Christiny Fernandes Lima
  • Aline Zorzi Schultheis de Freitas
  • Andréa Pereira Mendonça



Garbage, Science teaching, Virtual reality


This paper recounts the experience of a teaching project, entitled "Virtual Reality in Science Teaching", which aimed to support future science teachers to plan actions addressing the issue of garbage in public spaces from a context, and the use of technologies, with a view to strengthening citizenship and public health. Initially, we contextualize the problem in the garbage in the public spaces from theorists and data that demonstrate the real situation of the world and the city of Manaus. Then it was presented how virtual reality can help educators in the teaching-learning process in the face of the technological environment that is being established in education. Through the use of Google form, we check the development of the students on the subject. According to the students themselves, the tool proposed here has the ability to transport the person to the middle of the problem, causing real awareness and change of attitude.


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How to Cite

Nascimento, M. S., Lima, H. O., Lima, J. C. F., Freitas, A. Z. S. de, & Mendonça, A. P. (2019). The Garbage in the Public Space: Sensitization by Science Teaching Using Virtual Reality. International Journal for Innovation Education and Research, 7(12), 313-325.