36 Best Management Practices for Manaus-Amazon Urban Afforestation
Best Management Practices (BMP), Urban Afforestation, Green citiesAbstract
In 2010, the Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics published a survey on urban afforestation in Brazil and Manaus city occupied the 4493rd place among the 5565 municipalities analyzed. Concerning the cities with more than 1 million habitants, Manaus was in the penultimate place, a frustrating result, since the city is the Amazon' capital, surrounded by the largest rainforest in the World. On the other hand, the cities with the best performances were Goiânia, Campinas, Belo Horizonte, Porto Alegre, and Curitiba. Given this context, the research aims to investigate the urban afforestation's best management practices to propose suggestions for Manaus' public managers. The data collection and analysis are based in the study "Urbanistic Characteristics of the Surroundings of the Domiciles", besides obtaining information and documents from articles and websites of the governments and partners of the best city investigated. After the intersection of information, 36 good urban management practices were cataloged and proposed to Manaus' public managers.
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