Ten golden lessons from Republic of China (Taiwan), the best country to save lives during 300 days battle against Covid-19
Best management practices, Covid-19, FTI, Innovation, Lives, PolicyAbstract
Almost 1.81 million lives were officially lost by Covid-19 (WORLDOMETERS, 2020) until last 31thDecember 2020. It was one year with intense global battle against the pandemic, with most countries eagle to learn from benchmark nations able to save lives. A new methodology developed by Silva (2020b), with fifteen phases, showed that among 108 well-evaluated countries, the top six benchmark countries are from Asia with emphasis on Vietnam, Taiwan and Thailand. To complement Silva (2020b) study, this article aims to investigate the performance and the best management practices adopted in Taiwan to save lives, during the first 300 days facing the pandemic. The research is descriptive, uses an online questionnaire with bibliographic and documentary approaches. The Fatality Total Index (FTI) developed by Silva (2020b p. 563) was used to compare Taiwan performance against 43 finalist countries. Some results are: 1) Taiwan`s FTI300 is the lowest (0,0020), confirming that the National Government has learned from the past, and is able to integrate and support main actors of the nation to prevent, prepare and fight against the Covid-19; 2) for 109 respondents living in Taiwan, the ten main policy measures adopted by the National Government that saved lives against the virus are: international travel control (78%), effective public-private collaboration (61%), public information campaigns (52%), integration with mass media (51%), increase the medical and personal equipment capacity (49%), combat fake news (47%), public event cancellations (45%), improve intensive care unit structure (28%), support the expansion of the testing system (20%), and schools closures (16%). At the final, ten golden lessons are described, most of them from the 225 policies, measures, programs, projects, strategies, and innovative products or services identified in Taiwan, with the majority led by Public Sector (56%), Corporations (29%), followed by Others (6%), Start Up (4%) and Universities (4%).
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Accepted 2021-01-05
Published 2021-01-01