Technological Management of Public Services Based on the DMAIC Method Applying Theory U
Technology Management, Innovation, DMAIC method, Theory U.Abstract
This study uses a qualitative case study based on technology management in public services, drawing on the background of a personnel management department. The analysis was based on the concept of the DMAIC method. This approach was chosen due to the obvious need for innovative practices to achieve improved results. The study sought to answer the following question: how can technology management impact on the sector's efficiency study? To answer the question, this study’s main objective is to study the technological production management focused on public service units; and specific objectives characterize the technology management strategy of the search sector (1), make a SWOT analysis of the practices and procedures adopted in the sector under study (2) and suggest managerial innovation considering the DMAIC method, and applying Theory U (3). As a result, it was possible to recognize that the technology management strategy focuses on the organizational and internal variables with critical enabling innovative proposals in the production process. This study is of interest to public officials committed to performance excellence in administrative units under their responsibility. This is another contribution to students, researchers and others involved with the management area.
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Copyright (c) 2019 Bianca Moret Neubauer, Flávio de São Pedro Filho, Leonardo Severo da Luz Neto, Fabio Biasotto Feitosa, Luciano Alves Bezerra
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