The Work of The Deaf teacher at The University
Teachers, Universities, DeafnessAbstract
The deaf teacher is a professional who differs from another in the way he communicates, and the language used by these professionals is the Brazilian Sign Language (LIBRAS). The objective: to verify the inclusion of deaf teachers in higher education as well as to verify the assistive technologies that contribute to this process and the reality of these professionals. The methodology was a literature review of articles published between 2009 and 2017. Data werecollected from the following databases: Latin American and Caribbean Health Sciences Literature (LILACS), Scientific Electronic Library Online (SCIELO) and National Library of Medicine (PUBMED), using the keywords: teachers, deafness, universities, inclusion, assistive technologies and disability. The results showed that the inclusion of deaf teachers in higher education occurs due to the laws that determine the appointment of deaf teaching professionals as priorities for teaching LIBRAS courses in universities, being LIBRAS an Assistive Technology (TA) for the inclusion of these professionals. However, deaf teachers showed isolation due to the difficulty of communication with other teachers, having difficulties to exchange experiences beyond the strangeness of the students, about the didactics, methodology and evaluation of the deaf teacher.
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Copyright (c) 2019 Vanderlei Porto Pinto, Elen Villegas Campos, Gildiney Penaves de Alencar, Jackson Lemos Gonçalves, Ramon Gustavo de Moraes Ovando, Josivaldo Godoy da Silva, Alexandra Maria Almeida Carvalho Pinto, Geanlucas Mendes Monteiro

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