Discourse Analysis On Physical Activity For People With Disabilities


  • Leandro Rachel Arguello Dom Bosco Catholic University
  • Cristiane Martins Viegas de Oliveira Dom Bosco Catholic University
  • Diego Bezerra de Souza Dom Bosco Catholic University
  • Antonio Carlos Dorsa Dom Bosco Catholic University
  • Raphael Ricardo de Jesus Portela Local Development Doctorate Program
  • Aline Ortega Soloaga Federal University of Mato Grosso do Sul
  • Raquel Borges de Barros Primo Federal University of Grande Dourados
  • Geanlucas Mendes Monteiro Federal University of Mato Grosso do Sul
  • Flávio Henrique Souza de Araújo Federal University of Grande Dourados
  • Dayane Caetano Federal University of Mato Grosso do Sul
  • Tayla Borges Lino Federal University of Mato Grosso do Sul
  • Juliana Vicente de Souza Federal University of Mato Grosso do Sul




People with Disabilities, Physical Activity, Critical Discourse Analysis


The subject discussed refers to the importance of physical activity for people with disabilities, both in physical and psychological aspects. The general objective of this work is to identify the relationship of the person with disability to the sport, as guaranteed by the Federal Constitution, giving the person with disability the right to the sport. As a specific objective, to analyze through journalistic texts what is the perception of the person with disability in face of his/her limitations. The methodology used will be an analytical approach, together with bibliographic and documentary research. The relevance for the study of this theme is the look at the person with disability, which is often forgotten by the public power, or pre-judged by the society that most of the times does not know the concept of disability, or when they come across it, they do not know how to act or how to treat a person with disability. Maybe because they don't even know how they think according to their current life condition, as to the difficulties, as to the accessibility, as to the expectations, as to the way they are seen or treated by society. This raises a question: How are people with disabilities treated by society and public authorities? Are their rights being respected? This answer can be traced back to a critical analysis of a person with disability's discourse.


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Author Biographies

  • Leandro Rachel Arguello, Dom Bosco Catholic University

    Local Development Doctorate Program

  • Cristiane Martins Viegas de Oliveira, Dom Bosco Catholic University

    Local Development Doctorate Program

  • Diego Bezerra de Souza, Dom Bosco Catholic University

    Local Development Graduate Program

  • Antonio Carlos Dorsa, Dom Bosco Catholic University

    Local Development Doctorate Program

  • Raphael Ricardo de Jesus Portela, Local Development Doctorate Program

    Dom Bosco Catholic University

  • Aline Ortega Soloaga, Federal University of Mato Grosso do Sul

    Graduate Program of Movement Sciences

  • Raquel Borges de Barros Primo, Federal University of Grande Dourados

    PhD in the Health Sciences Graduate Program

  • Geanlucas Mendes Monteiro, Federal University of Mato Grosso do Sul

    Heath and Development in West Central Region Graduate Program

  • Flávio Henrique Souza de Araújo, Federal University of Grande Dourados

    Health Sciences Doctorate Program

  • Dayane Caetano, Federal University of Mato Grosso do Sul

    Sciences and Moviment Mastering Program

  • Tayla Borges Lino, Federal University of Mato Grosso do Sul

    Sciences and Moviment Mastering Program

  • Juliana Vicente de Souza, Federal University of Mato Grosso do Sul

    Sciences and Moviment Mastering Program


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How to Cite

Arguello, L. R., Martins Viegas de Oliveira, C. ., Souza, D. B. de, Dorsa, A. C. ., Portela, R. R. de J., Soloaga, A. O., Primo, R. B. de B., Monteiro, G. M. ., Araújo, F. H. S. de, Caetano, D., Lino, T. B., & Souza, J. V. de. (2021). Discourse Analysis On Physical Activity For People With Disabilities. International Journal for Innovation Education and Research, 9(1), 259-273. https://doi.org/10.31686/ijier.vol9.iss1.2895
Received 2020-12-12
Accepted 2021-01-05
Published 2021-01-01

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