Robotics Activities
a Practice of Social Transformation
Robotics, Education, Inventive Robotics, RobotsAbstract
The general objective of this article is to present the importance of robotics in elementary level school. In addition to discussing pedagogical mediation in this context. The reason for the development of this work centers on the need for studies on Robotics in the educational environment and its networks of relations with a focus on the learning of students and on the need for a change in the culture of the school. The methodology of this work is based on the cartographic method of research and intervention that, instead of seeking a result or conclusion, seeks to follow the process, seeking to establish relationships. Thus, we began mapping the pedagogical mediation between the teachers and students of the municipal schools of Viamão, EMEF Residencial Figueira and EMEF Sergeant Manoel Raymundo Soares. In order to understand the pedagogical mediation of the inventive robot robotics activities for the competitions of the II Municipal Robotics Exhibition of the Viamão Municipality - Rio Grande do Sul. From the results, we can highlight that the students seek to improve their knowledge in related areas, such as physics, mathematics, electronics, programming, and mechanics. Assuming an inventive and active stance, it also enables students to build not only concepts, skills, but also values and ideals in order to contribute to society. Making them autonomous, independent and responsible citizens.
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