Development prospects for distance higher education in Brazil - new technologies for the construction and dissemination of education


  • Roberta B. F Squaiella Mackenzie University, Brazil
  • Roberto Righi The Mackenzie Presbyterian University, Brazil



e-learning, distance education, emerging technologies, higher education


This article discusses the development prospects for distance higher education in Brazil. To this end, it recognizes the rapid growth during the last ten years. Consideration has been given to the legal aspects that require changes and improvements to guidelines to achieve high quality education for the masses. The databases that have been used are; The Higher Education Census 2013, Challenges and Prospects of the Brazilian Higher Education for the Next Decade - 2011/2020 (book), and The Technological Outlook for the Brazilian Universities (document). The analysis of information from these resources cover the different approaches, assessment of key trends and emerging technologies that should be adopted by the distance education university over the next five years. It concludes with the importance of the new information and communication technological tools that are available for the construction and dissemination of education.


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Author Biographies

  • Roberta B. F Squaiella, Mackenzie University, Brazil

    Masters student

  • Roberto Righi, The Mackenzie Presbyterian University, Brazil

    Full professor


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How to Cite

Squaiella, R. B. F., & Righi, R. (2015). Development prospects for distance higher education in Brazil - new technologies for the construction and dissemination of education. International Journal for Innovation Education and Research, 3(3), 73-83.