A Model for Testing Compressive and Flexural Strength of Sisal Fibre Reinforced Compressed Earth Blocks in the Absence of Laboratory Facilities
compressive strength, conversion model, flexural strength, sisal fibers, total dead weightAbstract
This study proposes a method of indirectly evaluating strength and therefore durability characteristics of compressed earth blocks in the absence of the normally expensive laboratory facilities. The method, with respect to compressed earth blocks reinforced with sisal fibres, is recommended for application particularly in rural areas of Africa. The developed method entails loading a compressed earth block sample with increasing amounts of weight till the sample raptures (total dead weight) under the load. The weight is then taken and a comparison is made with the standard value of compressive and flexural strength of the said sample. A conversion factor between this developed method and the conventional way of determining compressive and flexural strength has been computed. It has been established that the total dead weight is 47.25 times the flexural strength while the same is 66.4 times the compressive strength. The primary advantage of the proposed method is that it can easily be adapted at village level by people who have little scientific knowledge.
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Copyright (c) 2015 Saul Sitati Namango, Diana Starovoytova Madara, Augustine B. Makokha, Edwin Ataro

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